THB Series
Updated February 2025
There are a number of continuing topical series here at THB focused on a wide range of issues. Series explore a specific theme in depth over multiple posts. Below are some organized guides to some of the series at THB.
Archives by Year
Weather Attribution Alchemy (Began Nov 2024)
Climate Fueled Extreme Weather (Began July 2024)
Part 1: A New Series at THB
Part 2: Schrödinger's Climate Cat
Part 3: It's Later Than You Think
Part 5: It's All About the Base(line)
Part 6: What Did You Expect?
Extreme Weather and Climate Syllabus (Sept 2024)
Module 1: What the IPCC AR6 Really Says About Extreme Weather and Climate?
Module 2: Making Sense of the Economics of Extreme Weather and Climate
Normalization example 1: Extreme Events in Europe, 1995-2019
What the peer-reviewed literature says about normalized losses
Module 3: Extreme Event Case Studies
Planetary Boundaries and Global Governance
COVID-19 Origins
The NIH-EcoHealth Alliance Cover-Up (May 2024)
Proximal Origins, Scientific Integrity, and "Shadow" Science Advice (April 2024)
Covidgate (July 2023)
The COVID-19 Natural Origins Theory Lacks a Storyline (June 2023)
Answers to COVID-19 Lab Leak Questions? (June 2023)
The WHO Covid Origins Team has Placed the WHO in a Very Tough Spot
Pielke Sr. on Weather and Climate
Energy Policy and Politics
Climate Scenarios
Climate Science is About to Make a Huge Mistake (June 2024)
The Unstoppable Momentum of Outdated Science, 2024 Update (Feb 2024)
Secret Sauce (Dec 2023)
Jaws of the Snake (Nov 2023)
Mechanisms of Science Advice
Bamboozled! The UK Covid-19 Inquiry shows that political leaders need policy advice not science lessons (November 2023)
Improve how science advice is provided to governments by learning from “experts in expert advice” (March 2023)
Science Advice Under Pressure (April 2022)
The Incredible Absence of U.S. Science Advice and the Covid-19 Pandemic (June 2021)
Shadow Science Advice (May 2021)
Scientific Integrity
Original Sin: The U.S. National Climate Assessment was Off Track from the Start (Nov 2023)
The Alimonti Retraction
"Think of the Implications of Publishing" (July 2023)
The Alimonti Addendum (August 2023)
A Major Error in IPCC WG1
Misinformation in the IPCC (March 2023)
A Tip from an IPCC Insider (May 2023)
"When scientific integrity is undermined in pursuit of financial and political gain" (March 2023)
Fishy Science (December 2021)
The Biden Administration Just Failed its First Science Integrity Test (February 2021)
Scientific Integrity in the Federal Agencies: An Unfinished Agenda (October 2020)
Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics
The Culture and Politics of Climate Science
The New Apocalypticism (August 2023)
Does Climate Research have an Anti-Growth Problem? (August 2023)
Unsolicited Advice for the New IPCC Chair (June 2023)
The Political Agenda of the IPCC (May 2023)
Has the IPCC Outlived its Usefulness? (March 2023)
What the Media Won’t Tell You About . . .
The Future of Football
Climate Science
Net-Zero Does Not Mean What You Think It Does (Tom Wigley, October 2023)
Can Climate Policy Change the Weather? (August 2023)
Signal and Noise (August 2023)
El Niño and U.S. Hurricane Damage (July 2023)
Making Sense of Trends in Disaster Losses
Unbelievable: U.S. Flood Damage (Nov 2023)
U.S. Hurricane Overview 2023 (Nov 2023)
21st Century Disasters (August 2023)
Part 1: What is a "normalization"?
Part 2: Normalized disaster losses in Europe 1995 to 2019
Part 3: Normalized Hurricane Losses in the United States, 1900 to 2021
Part 4: How would we know if disasters are becoming more costly due to climate change?
Part 5: Climate change and disaster losses
Regulation of Trans Athletes in Elite Sport
Sports Governance Potpourri