Having an advanced degree does not necessarily endow one with common sense, particularly if the degree is in 'intersectionality' or 'gender studies'. I would love to see a further breakdown of the 'more highly educated' by degree area. I'm a long-time engineer, and I learned how to separate fact from fantasy. Consequently, the last time I voted democrat was Jimmy Carter.
Having an advanced degree does not necessarily endow one with common sense, particularly if the degree is in 'intersectionality' or 'gender studies'. I would love to see a further breakdown of the 'more highly educated' by degree area. I'm a long-time engineer, and I learned how to separate fact from fantasy. Consequently, the last time I voted democrat was Jimmy Carter.
Frank, are you old enough to remember Bill Buckley? Who famously said..
"I am obliged to confess that I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University. Not, heaven knows, because I hold lightly the brainpower or knowledge or generosity or even the affability of the Harvard faculty: but because I greatly fear intellectual arrogance, and that is a distinguishing characteristic of the university which refuses to accept any common premise."
Having an advanced degree does not necessarily endow one with common sense, particularly if the degree is in 'intersectionality' or 'gender studies'. I would love to see a further breakdown of the 'more highly educated' by degree area. I'm a long-time engineer, and I learned how to separate fact from fantasy. Consequently, the last time I voted democrat was Jimmy Carter.
Frank, are you old enough to remember Bill Buckley? Who famously said..
"I am obliged to confess that I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University. Not, heaven knows, because I hold lightly the brainpower or knowledge or generosity or even the affability of the Harvard faculty: but because I greatly fear intellectual arrogance, and that is a distinguishing characteristic of the university which refuses to accept any common premise."
Yep ;-)