The whats of the official Climate Narratives are pretty easy to describe. The probable whys aren't all that hard, either. There's a adage out there which goes something like "never fail to take advantage of a crisis". There are trillions of dollars at stake in response to a changing climate and many entrepreneurs out there looking to cap…
The whats of the official Climate Narratives are pretty easy to describe. The probable whys aren't all that hard, either. There's a adage out there which goes something like "never fail to take advantage of a crisis". There are trillions of dollars at stake in response to a changing climate and many entrepreneurs out there looking to capture their share and preferably more...a lot more. Then there's basic human nature. People want to feel good and what could feel better than saving the planet and human life itself?
Here's the thing, though. This particular game is played all day every day in other spheres and in other contexts. A driving force of this particular game is "Politics". A cursory look at how the U.S. Federal Budget is spent tells you everything you need to know. Unfortunately, there are actual effects to a changing climate and it becoming just another part of the game is bad for everyone. It's good to know that despite the noise there are successes occurring. It would be even better if the narrative would become fact and science-based and leading to real-world solutions, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
The whats of the official Climate Narratives are pretty easy to describe. The probable whys aren't all that hard, either. There's a adage out there which goes something like "never fail to take advantage of a crisis". There are trillions of dollars at stake in response to a changing climate and many entrepreneurs out there looking to capture their share and preferably more...a lot more. Then there's basic human nature. People want to feel good and what could feel better than saving the planet and human life itself?
Here's the thing, though. This particular game is played all day every day in other spheres and in other contexts. A driving force of this particular game is "Politics". A cursory look at how the U.S. Federal Budget is spent tells you everything you need to know. Unfortunately, there are actual effects to a changing climate and it becoming just another part of the game is bad for everyone. It's good to know that despite the noise there are successes occurring. It would be even better if the narrative would become fact and science-based and leading to real-world solutions, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.