It's sad and depressing that editors of scientific journals are increasingly spineless when it comes to defending papers that don't conform to current ideological narratives. In that respect they resemble university administrators or won't defend the free and open discussion of ideas of all kinds. Even the once great journal SCIENCE ha…
It's sad and depressing that editors of scientific journals are increasingly spineless when it comes to defending papers that don't conform to current ideological narratives. In that respect they resemble university administrators or won't defend the free and open discussion of ideas of all kinds. Even the once great journal SCIENCE has in recent years become "woke" and especially in its book review and editorial sections has published nonsense, or should I say non-science.
It's sad and depressing that editors of scientific journals are increasingly spineless when it comes to defending papers that don't conform to current ideological narratives. In that respect they resemble university administrators or won't defend the free and open discussion of ideas of all kinds. Even the once great journal SCIENCE has in recent years become "woke" and especially in its book review and editorial sections has published nonsense, or should I say non-science.