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Layperson here.

Thank you Roger.

Can’t the old studies and papers referring to 8.5 on Google Scholar be either removed or marked with an indication that they are no longer relevant ?


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The scientific literature is full of studies that are outdated or just wrong. It is the job of us experts to be aware of that -- that is why science is, in principle, self-correcting. In the case of RCP8.5 the problem is that (many) experts do know better but are not acting that way. There are a lot of reasons for this lock in, but it cannot last forever. But maybe a few more years!

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A few more years.

Math reveals 365x3x25

Only another ~28,000 Piltdown papers, each referenced 100 times by the climate/insane complex for 2.8million false climate emergency stories.

All numbers conservative.

How much harm can 2.8 million false stories do?

I’m sure it’s not much.

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It's sad how corrupt science research and climate science in particular has unfolded over the last decade or so. As a scientist I find this to be not only alarming but soul killing. Politics and money have always had a had an influence on scientific research but it use to be under control (kind of). Unfortunately like most things in our "instant gratification" culture what may have once been tolerable has now become a crisis. I blame media hype and greedy researchers looking for more funding (always more funding) Politicians have little scientific (and economic) understanding and can easily be led astray by unscrupulous researchers. Thanks for fighting the good fight.

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Got it, thanks.

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