No mention of the almighty dollar. The whole mess was illegal and hidden behind a novel definition of GoF, but also there was parallel and patented work going on wrt the mRNA counter measures. Some serious conflict of interests. Makes you wonder why a level 2 lab was doing level 3 work.

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A bit off-topic, but this reads like a carbon-copy of ClimateGate, for which the involved scientists received zero admonition.

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Roger, h for posting this. I haven't seen much in the national media on this. I have lost faith in them as well as the scientific community. This dovetails nicely with Glenn Beck's documentary on Fauci-NIH-Wuhan.

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The most damaging result if these actions is the collapse of trust in medical and scientific institutions. The repair of public trust should be the primary goal of those institutions. Failure to do so will result in a serious lack of navigating authority the next time a crisis arises. Many people, likely most people will not listen to guidance in future situations, resulting in more death. The sad part is, if the scientific establishment had just been open and honest about the situation, people would have given the benefit of the doubt. For example, if they'd have said "we can't conclude that six feet is the best distance but it's our best estimation" or "when we suggested no mass gatherings, we ment none, regardless if you're protesting or praying.", then I know I'd have a much different view of scientific policy proscriptions. As it is, I have no trust in scientific establishment, on any level, in most concentrations. That's bad for those institutions, but worse for me as I'm now untethered and unable to easily discern when guidance is altruistically motivated.

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I completely agree with you on the loss of public trust in scientific institutions, whether it be Covid or Climate Change. A Pew Survey appears to confirm this opinion showing a drop of 16 points since before the start of the pandemic *.

The other concern I have is the continued partisan position taken by congress and the media. I was watching the hearing and saw Representative Dingle state she didn’t want to throw anyone under the bus. I believe this may have been in reference to Dr. Fauci. Since the right has used Fauci as a Covid punching bag, will the left protect him and his opinions without looking for the truth?

I was reading TGIF newsletter from the Free Press and noted this passage in reference to Moren’s emails:

“But read these emails and remember: The Washington Post and The New York Times told us that all of this is a “conspiracy theory.” They stand by that! There’s been no retraction! There never will be. Fauci must be remembered as the nation’s beautiful doctor, and our mainstream media will never back down on that. “ **

There were posts on X from David Zweig and others about the lack of coverage of these hearings by the mainstream media.

To me it is suicidal that we are letting partisan politics get in the way of objectively reviewing the cause and response to the Covid pandemic.


** https://www.thefp.com/p/tgif-an-appeal-to-heaven For those unaware, this newsletter is from former NYT writer Nellie Bowles

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This is incredible! It seems there is one big, government faux paux each generation. COVIDgate, Watergate, Alger Hiss and McCarthyism, Teapot Dome, etc.

Where are Sam Ervin and Joseph Welch when we really need them?

Trump was right - we need to drain the swamp. He just wasn't the right plumber!

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I listened to over an hour of this while driving from New York area to Delaware. Unbelievable, and very stupid as well. The guy should have already been fired, and should face some jail time. Looks bad for Fauci as well.

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Bles you for your involvement in bringing to light a sordid, grotesque tail of government malfeasance. Iam pleased that this committee has gained traction in its interviews and document and email searches. But the only reason this is even happening is because Republicans won a slim majority in the House. The Senate under current leadership, and the previous Pelosi House showed ZERO interest in pursuing the lab leak explanation of the Covid debacle. Mfume and his colleagues who can clearly read polls well know that their utter dereliction of duty surrounding this entire mess lies at their feet. They ignored clear, compelling evidence of a coverup and chose instead to label even experts as racists, xenophobes, and right wing rubes. After spending two plus years smearing anyone in the public health, virology and medicine world at large for simply questioning the rapidly crumbled narrative of wet market transmission, these Reps have decided that cowardice can only get you so far in the face of overwhelming evidence. I find it difficult to feel anything but loathing in my heart for pols on either side who forcibly attempt to dismantle efforts to find truth that directly affect our country's citizens. This is ass covering of the first order.

My sincere hope is that Republicans will succeed in demanding autopsy reports and government as well as pharma data on vaccine injury and death sooner than later. The country needs a robust, informed discussion of every facet of Covid and it's "cure".

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Matt Ridley, an excellent British science writer who has also written about climate change, wrote a book about COVID 19 entitled "Virus" which tries to find the origins of the pandemic.

The non-testimony in this story ties in nicely with his book, particularly the "gain of function" research that was being funded by various agencies.

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The coverup shows that Fauci et al believed it was lab leak, and the main reason to cover that up has to be their involvement in the research.

2+2=4 still even if its racist.

Its like hiding the data basis of the hockey stick, there is only one reason to do that.

So what is the punishment for this, how many millions of deaths are we talking here now?

Will we start to see more realistic counting to get that number down?

As to Fauci testifying June 3, he already testified at another hearing and responded "i don't recall" 77 times, i think that was the number Taibbi counted.

I bet he takes the advice and takes the 5th here.

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"When did you become aware of Morens efforts to evade FOIA, as he frequently asserted in his emails? How much did you direct or participate in such evasion?"

I assume that there isn't simply an obligation for Anthony Fauci not to direct or participate in the actions to evade FOIA, but actually an obligation to *report* it to his superiors.

So I'd throw in a question to the effect of, "When you first became aware of David Morens' efforts to avoid FOIA, why did you not immediately report this to your superiors?"

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Francis Collins is one of the world's leading geneticists. He led the human genome project. It's mind boggling that he was part of such a base and dishonest cover up. He's another example of what happens to people who spend too much time in Washington.

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He's an example of what happens when you drink too much of your own bathwater.

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If it walks like a duck and acts like a duck it’s probably a duck. This whole controversy is beyond belief. It’s a sad situation when government is completely out of control. They lie to protect each other. If anyone questions the reality of a deep state they are delusional. They lied to cover up I their obvious participation in creating a catastrophe. Then made it worst by mismanagement of the entire response causing needless pain and misery. GB just admitted covering up the tainted blood, they at least are honorable enough to take responsibility. Question is will we?

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One possibility is that something bigger is going on. Why was NIH, researchers, allowed to lead the public health response? That’s CDC’s job. But someone above Fauci allowed that to happen, even to the point that Redfield was left out of discussions. That’s the question I’d ask Fauci- how did it happen that the public health establishment was left out of public health discussions? I think we’d get suspicious if there were an earthquake, and instead of FEMA, USGS or NSF were put in charge.

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Roger, someone stole your handle?


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That's Ted Goia and he is also on substack with the same title. I'm surprised substack allows that.

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The world needs as many honest brokers as it can get 🤣

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How can they be honest if there is more than one, or how do i know which is more honester (just made that word up, call that a Biden).


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I’ve got a ways to go to catch him


Bravo 👍

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I subscribe to both!

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NIH and its subsidiaries have no more important mission than preventing deadly pandemics from breaking out. Not only did they fail to prevent C19, they might well have funded the mechanisms that CAUSED C19. If true it's the biggest failure of government I can think of.

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Why the cover up is exactly the right question. If they are confident of a natural spillover, what are you covering up? No need to protect Peter, Fauci, anyone, anything. The fact that they are trying to cover up something screams the fact they don’t believe a natural spillover, thus it escaped from Wuhan.

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