It would bother me greatly to see Roger suffer economically for giving up his tenured position given all the good he's accomplished. I hope being affiliated with the American Enterprise Institute provides additional stability on the income front. He wisely treads cautiously when it comes to partisan politics which is critical to the effectiveness of his role as Honest Broker . I'm retired on a reasonably comfortable oil&gas company pension so I feel no restraints on that front. If Trump were to win the next election and begin unwinding climate mandates at the federal level I would hope the world might begin to follow. That would be a positive development overall that Roger will have played no small part in bringing about, particularly given the energy the climate movement derives from extreme weather events. It will be interesting to see how THB evolves in the event of a Trump victory in November. Although I will view it as a victory on the climate front there should be no shortage of facts to check and papers to debunk on both side of the issue for years to come.

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Well done, Roger. Proud paid. Your work is very important.

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Roger, thank you. May your readership increase, may THB prosper and likewise Substack, without which we would all be condemned to the propaganda of MSM. 🙂

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"Other than the investigation a few years back, I last spoke one-on-one to the chairs (three different people) of the academic department I was a part of in 2012, not really a healthy work environment. Oh the stories I can tell!"

I can't be the only one that wants you to tell these stories when you are finally free to do so.

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You are valued part of my daily education.

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Excellent thoughts, Roger. Look forward to another insightful, educational and HONEST year of THB!

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I look forward to THB's future, and the challenges it will address. Thank you.

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