I would be interested in hearing Roger's response to a February 14 article in City Journal by science writer Nicolas Wade. In the article, Wade fundamentally disagrees with President Biden's firing of Lander. Wade presents reasons why the firing, which Roger called for, was unjustified and unfair and does a great disservice to the agency's program "to apply novel genomic methods to the treatment and reversal of cancer." Here is a link to the article: https://www.city-journal.org/eric-lander-ousting-shows-sensitivity-increasingly-trumps-expertise

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Update: Lander has resigned. What happened to "I will fire you on the spot. On the spot. No ifs, ands or buts", Mr. President? Lander was in the job for a year.

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Biden has forgotten his “disrespect pledge”, but on the day it sounded good and in Biden’s world, that is what mattered.

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See, looks like almost no one listens/adheres to Joe Biden directives/mandates inside the WH as well as outside.

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A broader question... does the Big Science Establishment, or any component institution, ever stand up to bullying and harassing behavior by scientists, either online or in the workplace? How did a person get to such an advanced position thinking that this was OK?

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A typical government sycophant lacking science so using their position...not different that sycophant Fouci with napoleonic complex. Still nothing from him on the Johns Hopkins study...absolutely shameful...and to say he is science is to say he thinks his is Napoleon.

Our government has become crypt; vote them all out!

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Oooh the horror!! Hit the bricks girls.

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