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But no

To pull off such an information feint would require a degree of planning and sophistication that is more than heroic

I have been in this community for decades and can assure you that such political cunningness and information warfare is not remotely possible

Cock up not conspiracy 👍👍

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Too close to the trees to see the forest.

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A confluence of interests among all the parties pushing the "crisis", and they know they will never have any adverse consequences if they are caught . Sad

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If actions were random then the climate models would not all run hot. At least some would run cooler than observations.

Since there are dozens of them all running above observations, that is not random.

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There is another explanation that us neither a conspiracy nor a mistake. If we apply economic theory to this decision process, which would require not just scientific data, but bureaucratic risk, budgeting and a whole host of other incentives, it is very plausible that 8.5 could be seen as the logical choice and that those same incentives would exist across numerous bodies of decision makers. Bureaucies prime directive is self protection. This means risk should be avoided. In this case, risk is avoided by nor downgrading the baseline.

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That's irrational. This is coordinated, in lockstep, just like the Covid insanity was, equally stupid and curiously promoted simultaneously Worldwide, in all the MSM and by politicians, just after the Covid Plandemic was ending. If it was stupidity you would expect random behavior. Some countries would go one way, others would take another course. No this is part of a plan. And serves the same function of wealth transfer and economic destruction as the fertilizer and food attacks, energy scarcity, covid, idiotic wars and W.H.O. compulsory restrictions.

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