There is no concrete plan to exit coal in 2030. The current plan is for 2038, which may be moved up to 2035. This means that nuclear phase-out delayed coal exit by 13-16 years

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Former Chancellor Merkel determined to to shut down he countries most important source of non fossil fuel energy because a tsunami in Japan destroyed a nuclear complex there. There are not, nor will there ever be, tsunamis in Germany.

What was she thinking?

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Well, Boo Hoo. Nuclear pollutes all the time it generates. Emissions into land, sea and air. Up the exhaust stack, down the pipes to rivers, lakes, seas and oceans the world over. Good riddance to nuclear power generation. Atoms for war. Renewables for peace.

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Nuclear waste is only a problem in the US. The rest of the advanced sector recycles nuclear waste, reducing the volume of spent rector rods about 95%. So this is a very dishonest comment about nuclear power. First the Greenies led by Jimmy Carter closed the only US nuclear recycling facility about 45 years ago, and then the Green Fanatics demand that nuclear be shut down because of all the accumulating waste. Funny how that works. But hey, the rest of the world is moving on, not only with nuclear waste recycling but breeder reactors that "burn" the by-products.

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Renewables are a pipe dream, infeasible to replace fossil. Nuclear is certainly the cleanest of all energy supplies. Those are just the facts. Sorry.

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Renewables (solar) are a pipe dream in 2022. We haven't work out how to haress the sun. More nuclear, more solar research ...

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Jan 26, 2022
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And yet nuclear plants around the world operate pretty flawlessly... provided they are well maintained

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Jan 26, 2022
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Nonsense. One can imagine any number of such events-- 747 crashes into the Rose Bowl on New Year's day killing 100K people. An LNG tanker crashes into the GW Bridge in New York harbor killing 1 million people. Now let's factor premiums for a series of such low probability- high damage events into the cost of every transaction.

Result: Civilization grinds to a halt.

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Greenie fanatics opposed nuclear power technologies long before the CO2 hysteria went into hyperdrive. Climate Change is just a pretext for a nasty, neo-Malthusian agenda of massive depopulation and deindustrialization. That agenda may prevail in the West, but the Chinese are building 440 new coal units over the next four years and then ramping up the construction of at least 150 nuclear reactors. While the West reverts to A New Dark Ages feudalism, the Asians, led by China will dominate the global economy and advanced high tech for the rest of the century and beyond.

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Jan 25, 2022
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Actually German energy policy is based on corruption. Just as their draconian covid policy is anti-science. One example in 1999 Gerhard Schroeder announces all nuclear will be shutdown in Germany by 2020 "replaced by wind & solar". [if you believe that I have 5 bridges to sell you, cheap]. Then just before Schroeder gets booted out of office he signs a $6B contract to build a NG pipeline from Russia to Germany with Gazprom, the Russia NG utility. Plus a $1.7B loan guaranteed by the German gov't. Then shortly after losing the election Schroeder signs on as a chairman with Gazprom at an undisclosed salary. And in 2003 Schroeder quashed an investigation into a company named SPAG in Frankfurt linked to money laundering in several countries run by St. Petersburg's Tambovskaya mafia group with links to Putin, who was on SPAG's advisory board.

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