Wayne Liston nailed it when he quoted Eisenhower, "... a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded". I doubt it's because scientists don't care. It's a matter of staying employed and providing for one's family. And now it's devolved into cash whiplash for many. Scientists working for liberal presidential administrations, universities, and media didn't dare oppose the liberal climate crisis narrative. Now those same scientists working in the Trump administration won't dare to oppose the conservative climate narrative. Science is hostage to political narratives.
This exemplifies the sort of thing you would forward to your family and friends in the hopes of spreading awareness and media literacy in matters of science and climate.
"False claims and bad science are endemic to discussions of climate"
I would have used "epidemic" as the predicate adjective, rather than "endemic".
And yes, I care. I care so much I've stopped believing anything presented to me by climate related organizations. You're basically the only climate outlet I trust. The rest of them can go hang. There might be a few that haven't lied to me, but trying to find them is a large effort for no real reward.
I celebrate Trump's intention to pull US funding from the IPCC. There are only so many years of lies that should be tolerated.
I admire you for continuing to believe that this is all from mistakes and good intentions gone awry, but for many of us, especially those who started this journey with an eye on the anti-nuclear movement, it is obvious this is a form of enemy action designed to ruin our lives.
Great post! In the great climate misinformation debate nothing beats specific examples of clear misinformation that’s clearly supported as such particularly when it comes from figures of authority. This makes me think of Jessica Weinkle’s recent post of increasing climate anxiety in adolescents. In her careful and understated way she writes: “I’ve wavered between seeing the conversation around climate anxiety as a side show to climate’s overall three ring circus and seeing it as a strategic campaign. At this point, I’m leaning towards the latter.” She’s leaning the correct way in my view. Adolescents make great warriors for the cause and are unlikely to be on guard against inaccurate propaganda.
Great article. This illustrates why there is mistrust of the IPCC and the UN in general.
Note that the last graph labels the y-axis as climate related disasters. This is a misnomer in itself. These are weather related. They can’t make any claim on this graph regarding climate.
Roger, you ask, does anyone care? I care. I do not trust people who lie to me. I do not support their policy recommendations, I do not donate to their charities. I do not vote for the candidates they endorse when elections come around. I call out their falsehoods on line, in newspapers and in all the public places available to me. I am a meek and mild soul to those who tell me the truth, but those who lie to me must expect the rough edge of my tongue from now until doomsday.
At least the UN vested interest in sensationalizing climate change is pretty clear. Obviously a worldwide crisis would require a worldwide body to deal with it. Sadly rather than doing its job and speaking truth to the power of the UN, the press today simply echoes the claims without even the most basic fact checking.
I consider myself an average person. I have been following the purported climate crises for many years. I have found almost all of the predictions of man made climate disasters turn out to be unfounded. I also found that most of my average person friends feel the same way. The general opinion is that predictors make such claims to insure that funding for their study work continues to pour in. My friends also feel that the system is so corrupt that the average person can't do anything about it. Therefore, they do not want to waste time talking about it.
Thank you for your continued focus on the constant misinformation from the climate alarm claque, which includes virtually all western governments, media, academia and NGOs, as well as their casual attitude towards scientific integrity when their errors are pointed out. And what a price you pay for this focus. Vilified by the claque for your integrity. Thank you for your service. What a time we live in.
The Red Cross has been promoting a story that 80% of all people on Earth did experience at least 31 days of extreme heat in 2023. This is presented in a context of high summer heat.
The report they made, togehter with the notorious World Weather Attribution group, defines "extreme heat" as temperatures above the 99 percentile. Mening that people in the northern hemisphere who see a warm winter is amongst those "threatened" by extreme heat.
Excellent article
Wayne Liston nailed it when he quoted Eisenhower, "... a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded". I doubt it's because scientists don't care. It's a matter of staying employed and providing for one's family. And now it's devolved into cash whiplash for many. Scientists working for liberal presidential administrations, universities, and media didn't dare oppose the liberal climate crisis narrative. Now those same scientists working in the Trump administration won't dare to oppose the conservative climate narrative. Science is hostage to political narratives.
This exemplifies the sort of thing you would forward to your family and friends in the hopes of spreading awareness and media literacy in matters of science and climate.
Great post Roger! Thanks for continuing your crusade for scientific integrity.
The UN has a procedure to address Ethical Lapses-
"5. The UNDP Legal Framework for Addressing Non-Compliance with UN Standards of Conduct,
which serves to remind staff of their duty to abide by the highest standards of conduct. It
also defines the mechanisms that currently exist within UNDP for reporting allegations of
wrongdoing, as well as what constitutes misconduct; it clarifies the responsibilities of each
individual involved in the investigation of allegations of wrongdoing; it explains the
procedure following investigation; and it outlines the disciplinary procedure"
Maybe a legal expert could way in to determine if the executive leadership at the UN is covered under the "standards of conduct."
"False claims and bad science are endemic to discussions of climate"
I would have used "epidemic" as the predicate adjective, rather than "endemic".
And yes, I care. I care so much I've stopped believing anything presented to me by climate related organizations. You're basically the only climate outlet I trust. The rest of them can go hang. There might be a few that haven't lied to me, but trying to find them is a large effort for no real reward.
I celebrate Trump's intention to pull US funding from the IPCC. There are only so many years of lies that should be tolerated.
I admire you for continuing to believe that this is all from mistakes and good intentions gone awry, but for many of us, especially those who started this journey with an eye on the anti-nuclear movement, it is obvious this is a form of enemy action designed to ruin our lives.
Great post! In the great climate misinformation debate nothing beats specific examples of clear misinformation that’s clearly supported as such particularly when it comes from figures of authority. This makes me think of Jessica Weinkle’s recent post of increasing climate anxiety in adolescents. In her careful and understated way she writes: “I’ve wavered between seeing the conversation around climate anxiety as a side show to climate’s overall three ring circus and seeing it as a strategic campaign. At this point, I’m leaning towards the latter.” She’s leaning the correct way in my view. Adolescents make great warriors for the cause and are unlikely to be on guard against inaccurate propaganda.
Climate activist grooming camouflaged as climate science research.
That is what she described....
Superb! Thank you. I am so sick of IPCC, UN reporting and deliberate misrepresentation of data.
I bet if there was money in caring, these gaslighters would immediately change their tunes for a new payout.
Conversely, there are no penalties for lying.
Great article. This illustrates why there is mistrust of the IPCC and the UN in general.
Note that the last graph labels the y-axis as climate related disasters. This is a misnomer in itself. These are weather related. They can’t make any claim on this graph regarding climate.
Roger, you ask, does anyone care? I care. I do not trust people who lie to me. I do not support their policy recommendations, I do not donate to their charities. I do not vote for the candidates they endorse when elections come around. I call out their falsehoods on line, in newspapers and in all the public places available to me. I am a meek and mild soul to those who tell me the truth, but those who lie to me must expect the rough edge of my tongue from now until doomsday.
Well said!
At least the UN vested interest in sensationalizing climate change is pretty clear. Obviously a worldwide crisis would require a worldwide body to deal with it. Sadly rather than doing its job and speaking truth to the power of the UN, the press today simply echoes the claims without even the most basic fact checking.
I consider myself an average person. I have been following the purported climate crises for many years. I have found almost all of the predictions of man made climate disasters turn out to be unfounded. I also found that most of my average person friends feel the same way. The general opinion is that predictors make such claims to insure that funding for their study work continues to pour in. My friends also feel that the system is so corrupt that the average person can't do anything about it. Therefore, they do not want to waste time talking about it.
Thank you for your continued focus on the constant misinformation from the climate alarm claque, which includes virtually all western governments, media, academia and NGOs, as well as their casual attitude towards scientific integrity when their errors are pointed out. And what a price you pay for this focus. Vilified by the claque for your integrity. Thank you for your service. What a time we live in.
I’m new here. Do you have an article that summarizes your view on climate change?
Go here:
Chapter 1 of The Climate Fix details my views on the basic science of climate change. That remains current.
You can read the last Chapter for a summary of my policy views. And everything in between has details.
Any Qs, just ask!
The Red Cross has been promoting a story that 80% of all people on Earth did experience at least 31 days of extreme heat in 2023. This is presented in a context of high summer heat.
The report they made, togehter with the notorious World Weather Attribution group, defines "extreme heat" as temperatures above the 99 percentile. Mening that people in the northern hemisphere who see a warm winter is amongst those "threatened" by extreme heat.
Nobody cares.