The inclusion of genetically male athletes (Semenya, Mbowa) into female sport is profoundly unfair to actual females. They should be banned COMPLETELY from all female events.

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Once genetalia is no longer adequate to confirms ones sex, it leads to such racists exclusion on the basis of targeted science. WA and IOC, have a problem with Black atlets. They suppose that Black atlets only succeed due to superior genetical makeup than hardwork and natural gifts. Is really unethical for scietist to allow themselves to be used for political exclusion of other human race! Caster should fight these nonsensical and moving target sceience before we are told that a dark skin has a causal effect on atlectic performance

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they dam knew all along..

how the hell they took a decision to ban an athlete based on unsubstantiated so called scientific evidence..

Only now they would know that an indeoendent study of the findings could be conducted??

i am sure if they were white athletes they would not have been baned..

The irony of the whole thing is the fact that they allowed a white scientifically made woman who was a man all his life to compete in a woman's weight lifting event...

just because he removed his Dick and used the area to take one..

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They are playing God. This rule is so pathetic it is embarrassing that thinking persons could even begin to go down this road.

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