In this podcast I talk with Jerry McHugh of Energy IQ. Jerry asked me some good questions about my professional and personal experiences being attacked by the White House, investigated by Congress and having Paul Krugman and others in the media and scientific community call for me to be fired for my academic research and efforts to share it. All this followed my Congressional testimony in 2013 which, much to my surprise, went viral.
I tell Jerry that knowing where I’m at today, 10 years later, it has all been worth it despite the rough ride. Have a listen — and have a great holiday weekend.
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I'm glad you stayed in the game. It's important work and with the help of Substack, IMO anyway, is reaching reasonable people who otherwise would only remain in the echo chamber of academic, media, and government scare mongering.
Hi Roger. You have well documented how the data does not support the claim of a climate change induced increase in hurricane frequency or intensity. But I now note an new claim, as per a headline in the CBC this morning that: "Climate change, warming oceans causing more rapid intensification in hurricanes"
Does the data support this claim?
Thanks and keep up the good work.