Back in the day I ran a season-long contest for predicting the Premier League season. It was both fun and a source of data for the analysis of predictive skill. I’m bringing it back here at THB.
A prediction is said to have skill if it improves upon a naïve baseline. A naïve baseline is the predictive performance that you could achieve without having any expertise in or knowledge of a subject. For instance, in weather forecasting a naïve baseline might be the climatological weather for a particular day. In investing, skill might be the performance of the S&P 500 index or some other index.
For the 2023/24 THB Premier League prediction contest I will use 3 naïve baselines, which differ in their degree of naivety.
The 2023 final EPL table
The 2023/24 EPL wage table (Update: an eagle-eyed reader has suggested that the table below is in error, so I also have added the Transfermarkt player transer value for each club below)
My good friend, Nick Harris’ forecast
Each of these tables are readily available and there is thus absolutely no excuse for you to do worse than these. But can you do better?
The scoring of predictive skill will use the mean-squared error of the predictions, as defined below.
The season kicks off on Friday, with Burnley and Manchester City. All entries in the comments below submitted before kickoff of that match will be included — one entry per person. The most skillful prediction will receive a one-year free subscription to THB and a signed copy of my book, The Edge. In the process, together we will learn something about the challenges of prediction and predictive skill. During the season I’ll share periodic updates on how the competition is going.
Below are the clubs for 2023/24 — just copy, reorder and submit your prediction in the comments below.
Good Luck! Or should I say, Good Skill!
Aston Villa
Brighton & Hove Albion
Crystal Palace
Luton Town
Manchester City
Manchester United
Newcastle United
Nottingham Forest
Sheffield United
Tottenham Hotspur
West Ham United
Wolverhampton Wanderers
Thanks for your support!
Your wages table is not correct, it is missing Manchester United and has Norwich in it. There might be other mistakes, but ManU are easy to spot.
Thanks, Roger. Looking forward to participating. Just to be clear, will the winner be determined based on their prediction of the final standings for the whole league table, or just by predicting the winner? I *think* it's the whole table, but please specify. Cheers, Andy