I rarely do TV interviews these days. But I appreciated the chance to do a deep dive on climate with John Hook. He asked great questions and allowed in-depth responses. Have a listen, and please comment or ask me any questions.
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Disappointed at the defense of serial wrong predictions by official climate for decades.
Contrary to what Roger said about how science admits when it makes mistakes I have never once read an apology, an omission of error, even an admission that maybe the science isn’t quite settled.
No this group just closes ranks, doubles down on “settled science” which now includes all these new things we never thought of before and only now discovered but never you mind, it’s settled and has always been settled you awful deniers you!!
From over the pond so didn't know Hook. Impressive diction and coherent presentation. Beat the usual hysteria that often engulfs studios when the subject is considered. Obviously a planned interview with Prof Pielke to give a sane response on the issue rather than climate hysteria. Sane reasoned responses to what is hysterical in policy responses, even by the UN, are what is needed. On the economics side Noah Smith presents the sanity in the house from abundance rather than we are all going to die.